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Pants for Birds at Open Sauce 2024

Pants for Birds will be at Open Sauce 2024! I will be showcasing some ADSBee 1090 units, and hanging out with some cool friends who are bringing projects of their own:

  • Giant LED panel info display displaying aircraft information.
  • Snake! Running on a factorio CPU with a real-life interactive LED display / arcade panel.
  • Team Mario Kart: Mario Kart, but if each kart was being driven by two squirrels, one of whom controlled steering and one of whome controlled acceleration.
  • Interactive ADS-B data visualization written in a very cool upcoming open-source data visualization tool.

Say hi if you see us!

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Hello World!

After doodling around with projects for a few years under the Pants for Birds name, I’m excited to announce that Pants for Birds is now a registered California LLC! I’ve changed my day job to part-time status, and will be pursuing commercialization of open source hardware products under the Pants for Birds brand.

The first “real” product will be an open-source ADS-B receiver based on the RP2040 microcontroller. This project has been warming in the oven for a number of years, and I’m excited to boot it across the line and turn it into a fully featured product. Let’s see how this goes!